

After twelve years of research, consultations, colloquiums, and congress, François Asselin, Quebec geographer and Francisca Cruz Sánchez, Cuban paediatrician , are greatly pleased to bring you an innovative project, universal and international in scope, to train future parents in regards to children’s essential psychological needs.

Thanks to qualified volunteer translators, to whom we are very grateful, our three books, including one which is illustrated for the benefit of teachers and students, are available in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

These books are found in more than 6 locations, read in 30 countries by health and social work professionals, as well as by many members of the general public. Since2009, more than 15 000 emails accompanied by various informative and working documents have been transmitted and 17 000 professionals now follow the project’s developments through the CODAJIC and ALAPE Facebook pages.

All three books can be accessed at: formacionfututospadres.com

Having originated in Quebec, this project drew the attention and support of many organizations. We are also aware that the topic is of interest within universities dedicated to social science research and which are able to sustain discussions on the topic as a whole.


  • Cuban Health Minister’s Adolescent Health Care Advisory Group
  • ADOLECA 2017 International Symposium, Cienfuegos Cuba
  • United Nations organisations: UNICEF, UNFPA
  • Cuban Society for Family Development (SOCUDEF)
  • Latin America, Italy, and Caribbean Youth and Adolescent Confederation (CODAJIC)
  • Comite de Adolescencia de la Asociacion latinoamericana de Pediatra (ALAPE)
  • Congreso International de Neurodesarollo y Rehabilitacion temprana,
  • CINAT, 2018, Varadero, Cuba
  • 28th Paediatric Congress, Havana, Cuba.
  • IV Simposio Academico sobre las adicciones, CEDRO, 2019, Havana, Cuba

We thank the professionals who dedicate their skills, even their lives, towards the wellness of children and parents who, in each their own ways, have guided and moved us forward.

Our contributions do not take away from ancient and wise parenting practices, nor do they question scientific disciplines. We only think to be able to contribute in lighting a way to the accompaniment of children and adolescents.

A hundred of these little ideas, some less obvious, have been collected in our nets. You will find some of them here.

Currently and for a foreseeable future, children, adolescents, their parents and guardians will be affected by the aftershocks of the coronavirus. Parents have the primary responsibility over their children and often do so alone. More than ever, they must be prepared to recognize a new form of distress amongst their own. No one has the recipe. Therefore, we must learn from one another. It is a worldwide emergency.

formation of futures parents

Psychological, physical, and emotional wounds that innocent children and adolescenta incur can last a lifetime.

Divorce rates keep climbing in every country where the World Health Organizationcompiles data. From a 5% average in 1890, it reached 18% in 1920 and 30% in 1950.

Amongst couples married in the 1970s, chances of divorce climb to almost 50%. We estimate to 67% the likeliness of divorce for couples married since 1990. And 50% of couples who divorce do so before their 5th year of marriage

Is there not a way to inform parents on the short, medium and long term consequences of divorce on their future children? We should keep our eyes open and add to the number of divorces the many separations which may or not lead to divorce. These distinctions do not matter to children and adolescents.

We desire to tackle a topic which remains in our view largely unexplored and which we believe can teach us much, as we can ask what there is there learn by repeating ourselves?

It takes a village to accompany a child

Is it good? Is it bad?

Educating children by age group.

Is it good? Is it bad?

There are an estimated 4000 aboriginal or indigenous people, witd a population of about 370 million individuals, living in 70 countries. We are therefore curious about their realities.

It is while hurting that we conclude this message. Recently, the Quebec Director of Youth Protection communicated that the numbers of child mistreatment reports, emotional or physical, had increased. In 2018-2019, there were 105 644 such reports of which 41 530 were maintained. If children and adolescents are not responsible for their own wounds, who could be? We do not have the answers, but we are thinking about the training of parents-to-be.

Whether you are parents or children of parents, we sincerely thank you for your time and consideration.

The formation of future parents – Asselin François 2019 , available in Spanish and French .

Why the formation of future parents? 50 good reasons. Asselin François and Cruz Sanchez Francisca, 2019, available Spanish, French and Portuguese.

50 Good reasons for the training of future parents. Asselin François and Cruz Sanchez Francisca, 2019, available Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian.